Sep 19, 2017

OKC Fraternal Order of Police Endorses David Holt for Mayor

The Oklahoma City Fraternal Order of Police (Lodge 123) today announced its support of David Holt to be Oklahoma City’s next Mayor.

The endorsement comes two weeks after all mayoral candidates appeared in a public forum to discuss public safety issues.   The OKC FOP announced that the endorsement was the result of an “overwhelming” vote of its membership to support Holt.

OKC FOP leaders cited Holt’s commitment to communication with the FOP, his work in the Legislature to fund public safety, and his strong support for law enforcement in general.

“Our membership has watched David Holt in the Legislature, and we listened closely to his answers at the public safety forum,” said John George, president of the OKC FOP. “He understands the issues police officers face, made public safety a key part of his campaign and we believe he will be an excellent partner in finding solutions to our manpower issues.”

Holt, who has made public safety a top priority of his campaign, expressed his gratitude for the support of Oklahoma’s City’s brave police officers.

“I am honored to be supported by Oklahoma City’s police officers,” said Holt. “This endorsement is the culmination of a dialogue between us that goes back many months, even years. We have found common ground in wanting an open-door relationship between the FOP and the mayor’s office. We also share a determination to fund public safety, and specifically more police officers. Public safety is the most important service the city provides, and we’ll work together to ensure police have what they need and the people of Oklahoma City are satisfied with their police protection.”

David Holt has emerged as the clear public safety candidate in the race for Mayor, having now been endorsed by police as well as the active and retired firefighters of Oklahoma City.   The active firefighters made their endorsement of Holt in May and the retired firefighters endorsed in July.

The election to choose Oklahoma City’s next Mayor is now less than five months away, and will be held February 13, 2018.